When you have all brands “Nike, Adidas, Puma, Reebok, UCB, FCUK, LP
etc” in your wardrobe, then why do you wear this old t-shirt at night
since ages?... A very meaningful question asked. A white color t-shirt
(little dull now), with many flecks on it, been there since almost last
two decades now. And the most important part is it was not purchased, it
was given to me by someone, may be we can call it a second hand t-shirt
which have been used by someone else in the past. But what it’s doing
with me since ages, though I can have much Superior, Expensive,
Attractive clothes now then why this t-shirt?..
Looks strange, itn’t?.. This obvious question forced me to dive back into my old priceless memories, when I was a “Big Zero” with even “Big Dreams and Hopes”. All I had was a heart full of dreams, hands full of gestures, eyes full of colors, pockets full of hopes, legs full of strength, brain full of vision and above that stomach full of hunger. What I had with me at that time was few friends (many of them are strangers now), a super caring Mother, few books and clothes. This t-shirt was one of those priceless things I had, its full of optimism, my best friend in days and nights, in ups and downs, my strength in bad times, my strong vision in good times, my love in darkness and my enemy in struggling time. It never ever left me alone and neither do I.
Looks strange, itn’t?.. This obvious question forced me to dive back into my old priceless memories, when I was a “Big Zero” with even “Big Dreams and Hopes”. All I had was a heart full of dreams, hands full of gestures, eyes full of colors, pockets full of hopes, legs full of strength, brain full of vision and above that stomach full of hunger. What I had with me at that time was few friends (many of them are strangers now), a super caring Mother, few books and clothes. This t-shirt was one of those priceless things I had, its full of optimism, my best friend in days and nights, in ups and downs, my strength in bad times, my strong vision in good times, my love in darkness and my enemy in struggling time. It never ever left me alone and neither do I.
Sometimes when you are completely down in your own world, what will do you?.. You will try to get in touch with your loved ones who motivates you, who inspires you, who banks on you and who supports you. But what when you are completely broken, hopeless, alone??.. At that time you will not understand anything as you are in a state of great depression, pessimist and then you are your own doctor, your own caretaker, you own lover and your own future creator. Mind my words at that time “dive into your past, remember all those things which you have achieved with your hard work, with your master mind, with your crystal clear vision” and things like t-shirts, pens, journals, old serials, old movies, old friends, old roads, old tea shops, long walking, old school, teachers or anything (every one have that one thing precious from childhood, close..very close to the heart) will pull you out of the worst time, depression. “Past is always beautiful, how struggling it would have been at that time but in present you will always love your past”. Presenting t-shirt here is just an example to have something in your life which will remind you about your best and toughest “YOU”, Always remember "The best thing about You is Always You".. When you did it in past you have all the guts to achieve more and more in present!...Never ever “Give UP”. Treat yourself in the best possible ways as you are going to be your best friend forever!..."Find your "dream" then RISK everything to make it Reality"
"Life’s greatest setbacks reveal life’s biggest opportunities."