Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Life’s Greatest Battle!.

Today, while traveling to office my mind was governed with one strange but very meaningful question “what is the life’s greatest battle and with whom”.

I closed my eyes and relived my past starting from childhood. I saw the fights with my siblings – nah that was just a moment of anger not fight. I saw me fighting with my parents for my choices and demands – no that was just the materialistic desires. I saw me fighting with my classmates, teachers, friends, managers, colleagues, unknown-people etc etc – that too was just a demonstration of immaturity and cannot be termed as “battle”.

I went deep into the thoughts, what would be that, whom I am fighting with since birth. These questions were getting deeper and deeper until I heard a very loud sound shouting “You, Yourself!!.. is fighting the biggest battle with yourself. Everyone is fighting with themselves but falsely pretending themselves about the outer world enemies”. It seems these words came directly from my soul.
I compared these internal fights with other fights I had so far, Truly without surprises I realize, all other fights were temporary and have been demolished with time. The only fight which we keep continuing every day is the fight between “You vs Yourself”. We have to control our thoughts every day is a fight, we have to restrict our emotions/love/affection/care is again a greatest fight by you with yourself. You have to fight with such battles every day and you cannot escape.

These battles cannot be stopped but can be minimized. Trust, Patience, Meditation, Spirituality are the weapons which can be used against this greatest battle. Once we start winning against us, we will start climbing the ladder of peace. This will require ages or may be even more than that to win against yourself. Battles continues!!..

So rightly said:
“Some of the greatest battles will be fought within the silent chambers of your own soul.”

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