Monday, November 2, 2015

"The Black and The White!"

“I am Proud to be an Indian” and I love my country from the bottom of my heart as it gave me everything Good family, Caring parents, Furnished education, Home/Food, Good Job and settled life, what else a human can expect!.. Sometimes a question comes in my mind, what have I done for My Mother Land, My Country…and the answer I get from the inner “Me” is “Nothing”!... though I have an inner peace that at least I tried few things sometimes and I am sure I will keep trying unless I get a success. Here in I would like to highlight some serious issues about “The White and The Black” which need immediate attention. 

There is a well-known saying in India “God save me from the White and The Black coats”. Who are these white and black coats?...

The White coat, who are treated as God on earth who are born to give/save life’s and are called “Doctors”. India is amongst top countries in producing high level, well-educated doctors. But are they doing their duties faithfully, Are they really saving life’s of needed sufferers, Are they really acting as a “God”…? It will be an injustice to mark an agreement on this. Doctors are become greedy, money minded, careless, inhuman in their duties. They just need money for each and every thing, they are ready to put a dead body on ventilator and declared it dead after few hours just for the sake of money. How can a human be so heartless that he even don’t see the feelings, emotions and pain behind the bars. Shame on such doctors who in my dictionary are the poorest, uneducated animals. I am sure if things won’t improve then the Poor people will prefer to die on roads instead of going to the Life Protectors called Doctors. The question is what needs to be done to stop this?...Do you have any answers?...Do you think you can make a difference?...Do you…

Now comes the second class of people “The Black Coat” so called “Lawyers”. The most trusted people for any country in legal concerns and are also called “Back Bone of constitution”. Are they really trustworthy?...Are they obeying the Laws?...Are they loyal to their duties?...It don’t require any explanations. For the sake of money, Lawyers start fighting a case for one generation and believe me it will continue till 2nd, 3rd and sometimes 4th generations that too with no results. It’s a common task to convert truth to lie and vice versa, all it need is money in your pocket.  No one knows what’s going on or pretend to keep their eyes closed as they are also the part of the same system. The question remains the same: what needs to be done to stop this?...Do you have any answers?...Do you think you can make a difference?...Do you…

No country is bad in fact no place on this earth is bad, these are the people who makes and breaks the country and its reputation. Be responsible, humble, caring, if you want to earn something  then earn respect, blessings. Believe me it will give you infinite peace which money won’t give you at any stage of life.

Always remember: “The amount of money in your bank account when you die is the extra amount of work and cheating you have done with yourself”

PS: This post is not to hurt the feelings of anyone, its just to raise some serious concerns which need immediate attention for the betterment of the Nation.! Jai Hind!.